Face n°168
Display collection
Face n°168 - 2002

This collection consists of drawings of faces made over a period of almost twenty years, from 1987 to 2010.

Text by Jean-Paul Perrenx: "I paint with a lot of accuracy in my head, faces that pass by, faces that pass slowly in front of me, faces that look at me just a little to pretend, faces that go I don't know where. I paint methodically, a bit like Little Thumb who is afraid of getting lost in the forest and who leaves white pebbles or breadcrumbs on the ground, I don't remember this story very well because I must have been 5 or 6 years old at the time. In any case, I paint dozens and hundreds of faces on my way, that's my story! And it doesn't matter about the path! I paint women's faces, and I stare at every last one of them. I paint stars, planets, birds, aeroplanes, comets and a crescent moon too, it's deliberate, yes it's a long story that my hand tells, and everything turns in the space of the sky, of a sky. I paint faces that speak through their colours of all colours but that remain mute in their distant looks. I don't remember if I said it before, ladies and gentlemen: I paint faces that pass away.

Medium : Sheet of paper
Technique : Mixed
Height : 65 CM X Width : 50 CM
This work is in our possession.

#portrait #woman #face #black #red #blue